Volume 3 - Issue 2

A review knowledge of Chilean crayfishes (Decapoda: Parastacidae)

De los Ríos-Escalante P.R Contreras A Jara P Lara G Latsague M Rudolph E


The Chilean crayfishes belong to family Parastacidae, and it included the genus Parastacus (P. pugnax and P. nicoletti), Samastacus (S. spinifrons), and Virilastacus (V. araucanius, V. jarai, V. retamali, and V. rucapihuelensis). This family is widespread from Central Chile to central southern Chile (33-46°S) specifically P. pugnax and S. spinifrons, whereas the other species are restricted between 38-40° S. It remarks that Parastacidae family is restricted to south of Chile and south of Brazil in subtropical latitudes. All species inhabits of Parastacus and Virilastacus in flooded plains in underground galleries, whereas S. spinifrons live in rivers. The species are endemic and endangered due habitats reduction and human exploitation as food in rural zones. The ecology of these species indicated that they fed mainly on vegetal matter, whereas their predators are mainly aquatic birds. There are not parasites reported, whereas it was reported the presence of ectocomensals, such as peritriches ciliates and temnocephalids. Within the reported species, only P. pugnax and S. spinifrons are important as human food in rural zones nevertheless there are not regulations for their extractions, and it was done initial studies for this aquaculture in southern Chile.

Keywords: Parastacidae, Parastacus, Samastacus, Virilastacus, fisheries, aquaculture



November 2023

Page Number

International Journal of Aquatic Research and Environmental Studies